Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Portable Basketball Goal

If there’s one sport almost every child loves, it’s basketball. It doesn’t matter how tall they are or if they can even make a basket, this sport is just plain fun. With a portable basketball goal a parent can give their child the opportunity to practice and play just about anywhere. Unlike a standard wall mount version, this goal can be moved from one place to another with relative ease.

Most parents of today were themselves struggling basketball stars back in their formative years. Many of us had a basketball hoop attached to our garage. If we didn’t there was usually a neighbor with one who would welcome the chance to play a game of one-on-one. Now, with many families living in smaller residences, there isn’t always a good spot for a wall mount hoop. With a portable basketball goal, worrying about a place to permanently mount it isn’t a concern.

Any well stocked sports store will generally have several different models of these to choose from. There are certain criteria that you’ll want the portable basketball goal to have. One is a very sturdy base. Many of the bases that are used with a portable basketball goal need to be filled with something heavy. Water or sand works well. This is a necessary step to ensure that the hoop stays upright and doesn’t topple over on a person playing with it.

The height is also a consideration and it’s advisable to purchase one that you can adjust the height on. This is especially important if you have smaller children. You’ll want to set the portable basketball goal on a lower setting for a ten-year-old than you would for a fifteen or sixteen-year-old. Having a model that allows for easier height changes is really the best as you don’t want to spend too long struggling when people are anxiously awaiting a chance to play.

Most can be left outside year round. There are some individuals who prefer to store the portable basketball goal in a garage or shed when the weather turns cold. This is obviously fine but it’s worthwhile noting that the plastic base and the other mechanisms are made to withstand both heat and cold, so it can certainly stay outdoors for use on a warm winter day.

As with any type of equipment you want to ensure that those who use it are aware of any and all safety guidelines. Don’t allow a curious youngster the opportunity to try and change the height on the portable basketball goal themselves. Also explain to any children planning on shooting some hoops that they can’t climb the portable basketball goal if the ball does become lodged near the basket. Once everyone understands the rules, it’s time to play some basketball.

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